Life is Strange: Before the Storm icon

Life is Strange: Before the Storm APK

v1.1.1 b117
MOD: 60 FPS + Açıldı
Güncelleme İsteği
GüncellenmişJanuary 6, 2025
Uygulama AdıLife is Strange: Before the Storm
Son Sürümv1.1.1 b117
GeliştiriciSQUARE ENIX
MOD BilgisiMOD 60 FPS
Paket adıcom.squareenix.lis.bts
Giy şunu.Google Play
4.38/5 (13 oy)
Ekran görüntüleri
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
İndir Life is Strange: Before the Storm Android için ücretsiz APK
v1.1.1 b117 MOD: 60 FPS + Açıldı
arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a

Note: The OBB (cache) is already embedded in the APK.
Instructions for installing the game:
1) Install the APK, launch the game and wait for the main menu to load. After that, log out of the game
2) Unpack the archive with the name needs to be unpacked to Android/data/com.squareenix.lis.bts
3) It’s done! Have a nice game!

İNDİR Life is Strange: Before the Storm APK v1.1.1 b117
1.08 GB
İNDİR Life is Strange: Before the Storm MOD 60 FPS APK v1.1.1 b117
1.08 GB
İNDİR Life is Strange: Before the Storm OBB/Cache v1.1.1 b117
7.05 GB

Sesler: 5

Zaten oy verdin
Teşekkürler, oyunuz kabul edildi
v1.0.2 MOD: Açıldı

How to install:

1. Download APK file and cache.
2. Allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings (done once)
3. Run the installation using the file Manager (usually the downloaded files are placed in the Download folder)
4. Copy the cache folder from the downloaded archive to the SD/Android/obb/ directory on your phone using the file Manager. The result will be SD/Android/obb/cache_folder/file *obb
5. Run the application

İNDİR Life is Strange: Before the Storm APK v1.0.2
39.7 MB
İNDİR Life is Strange: Before the Storm OBB/Cache v1.0.2
982 MB

Sesler: 51

Zaten oy verdin
Teşekkürler, oyunuz kabul edildi