Transformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures icon

Transformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures APK

Orijinal + MOD: Açıldı
Güncelleme İsteği
GüncellenmişOctober 15, 2019
Uygulama AdıTransformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures
Son Sürümv1.5
GeliştiriciBudge Studios
İŞLETİM SİSTEMİ SürümüAndroid 4.1+
MOD BilgisiMod: Unlocked
Paket adıcom.budgestudios.TransformersRescueBotsHeroAdventures
Giy şunu.Google Play
3.20/5 (5 oy)
İndir Transformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures Android için ücretsiz APK
v1.5 Orijinal + MOD: Açıldı

How to install:

1. Download APK file and cache.
2. Allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings (done once)
3. Run the installation using the file Manager (usually the downloaded files are placed in the Download folder)
4. Copy the cache folder from the downloaded archive to the SD/Android/obb/ directory on your phone using the file Manager. The result will be SD/Android/obb/cache_folder/file *obb
5. Run the application

İNDİR Transformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures APK v1.5
215.15 MB
İNDİR Transformers Rescue Bots: Hero Adventures Mod: Unlocked APK v1.5
16.27 MB

Sesler: 14

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